Chinese medicine is a complete system of holistic healing that has been used to restore health, relieve pain, correct chronic health disorders, and prevent disease for over 120 generations.
Health imbalances develop in three main stages.
- Functional disorders - Refer to imbalances in the function of specific organs, glands, or tissues. Most common health issues fall under this category. It is estimated that suboptimal physiologic function accounts for about 70 percent of all chronic health disorders. Functional disorders give rise to a pattern of symptoms involving the meridian network associated with the affected organ. These symptoms can be accurately identifiable by a Chinese medicine diagnosis.
- Pathological disorders - Involve organic changes in the structure or morphology of the tissues that can be identified by a specific pathology. For instance, localized inflammations, lesions, irritations, ulcers, abnormal growths, tumors, calcifications, and degenerative conditions all belong to pathologic changes in the body.
- Biochemical disorders - Biochemical disorders lie somewhere in between functional and pathological symptoms. They refer to changes in the biochemistry of the body characterized by abnormal lab and blood values. A great percentage of people suffering from chronic health issues have 'normal' lab blood test results. In some instances, functional disorders can give rise to specific changes in the biochemistry of the body as reflected in the blood as well as in the urine, saliva, and specialized functional tests.
In Chinese medicine, it is recognized that functional disorders develop first, sometimes long before pathological symptoms occur and a conventional diagnosis can be determined.
Health disorders can be detected at the initial stages of imbalance and serious and costly complications can be prevented.
Specialized Treatment Programs
We offer specialized treatment programs designed to correct the root cause of your symptoms and address your specific health concerns. Our holistic treatment programs include the following.
- Resolving chronic pain.
- Reversing chronic disease.
- Healing digestive disorders.
- Balancing women's health.
- Conquering stress and anxiety.
Please, inquire with our office about which of these programs will best address your particular health concerns.
Chinese medicine will help to awaken the innate ability of your body to heal and achieve optimal wellness.
Scheduling your first visit
Thank you for joining us and welcome to our holistic healing practice. Please, choose one of the following options to schedule your initial acupuncture and Chinese medicine appointment.
- Call our office at 704-542-8088
- Email us at
How Many Treatments Will I Need?
The number of visits you require depends on how long have you had the condition, the nature of the disorder, and the severity of the symptoms. Generally speaking, the following schedule is recommended:
- Acute conditions: For disorders of recent onset and short duration, we recommend two to three treatments per week for one to three weeks. Follow up with one treatment a week for three more weeks.
- Chronic conditions: For chronic conditions of long standing we recommend that you come once or twice a week for the first six weeks and thereafter once a week for the following six weeks. As the symptoms improve and the underlying cause of your condition is resolved, the treatments will be spaced out and you will need to come less often.
Before your visit...
We want your experience with us to be as efficient as possible. If you are a new patient or an existing patient with record updates, please download and print the forms below and bring them with you to your appointment.
Four (4) Pages. PDF File. 1.5 MB, please allow a minute or so to download depending upon your connection speed.
You may also complete your acupuncture intake form and medical information when you arrive at our office.
In your initial visit, we will review your acupuncture intake form, ask you specific questions about your medical history, general markers of health and your individual health concerns, and conduct a comprehensive Chinese medicine assessment and bioenergy testing. After the assessment is completed, we will select and test specific nutraceutical supplements, Chinese herbs, functional formulas, or microdilution complexes that will best address your health and wellness needs. In cases of acute pain or if you require symptomatic relief we will include the first acupuncture treatment in your initial visit.
Regarding insurance
In order to verify your insurance coverage for acupuncture, please visit the Insurance Verification Page. Complete the form and click the submit button. We will verify insurance coverage prior to treatment. If for any reason we are not able to verify coverage prior to your treatment, you will be charged for the session until verification is obtained. We request a credit card on file if the insurance company should not pay claims or any balances owed should there be any difference in the amount owed.
Payment Policy
All payments are due at the time of service. We accept payments via credit card, flexible spending account (FSA), health savings account (HAS), check, and cash.
We look forward to becoming a partner in your healing journey and helping you reach your health and wellness goals!